November 7, 2011

Time for something New

First off, thanks to everyone who responded to Naming Things. Each of your timings was perfect and helped me a lot.
Secondly... Well, just new things are happening all over the place. BAN was just born & when we went to meet him in Idaho our car broke down. Which was kind of a blessing because then RN was there to help us, otherwise we would have had to take it to a mechanic which would have not been possible.
I really loved this Idaho trip, I especially enjoyed just feeling like I could bond and socialize with my sisters. Normally I get all stressed out and worried. This was nice. I don't remember the last time I felt so loved at a family gathering. (May I just note, that I know this has a lot to do with me & I pray this doesn't offend anyone, it is what it is.)
I'm also SUPER excited for StateStreet who is not only fortunate enough to have an awesome husband. But the two of them are expecting 2, yes TWO, baby boys at the end of March. I wish I could be closer to StateStreet as she figures out being pregnant with twins. Yay for texting & phone calls!
I can't even express how excited I am about the other things going on. Kare-Bear is getting married end of December. LittleOne is SO excited to be her flower girl. I truly believe it will be a WONDERFUL ceremony and will improve lives.
Eight days later my sweet brother Atlas is getting married. I haven't met the amazing woman. But I can't wait to, hopefully we'll meet her tomorrow. I know she must be one of the most beautiful women on the inside & out. Nothing else would bring the peace & joy into Atlas' life like this. (Don't worry, I have no expectations of her being perfect. I have no idea what to expect. I just want to get to know her, & hope she can get to know us.)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you were able to make it up to Idaho! That's great! I wish you could be here...or I could be there.
